After a week like yours, you need a church like ours!

Service Times

R.E.A.L. Life Groups | 9:30-10:15 AM
Worship Service | 10:30 AM

Midweek Connect | 6:30 PM
*Any 5th Wednesdays will be in the sanctuary for worship & the word for all youth and adults!

  • Childcare for ages 0-5 is offered during all of these times in the Kids’ Hall.

  • CW Kids classes (grades K5-5th) are held during all of these times.

  • CW Students (grades 6th-12th) meets during R.E.A.L. Life Groups & Midweek Connect downstairs, except for 5th Wednesdays.

    *Kids ages 5-10 join the 10:30 Worship Service the first Sunday of every month - no CW Kids during that service.

New guests, feel free to park in the guest parking in the circle up front around the flag poles.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, stop by our Information Desk located in the foyer.

We offer complimentary golf cart service to make your trip up the hill to the sanctuary easier. Or you can simply walk up the steps to the main entrance!

If you have children (ages 10 and under), take a left in the foyer to the Kids Check-in. A parent or guardian is required to check in their children and to pick them up when service/class is done.