Christway Kids (Elementary, K5-5th Grade)
Ken Roberts
Children’s Pastor
Connect with CW Kids on Facebook!
Wee Kids (Preschool, ages 3-5)
Tricia Meyers
Wee Kids Coordinator
WHEN: Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM; Sundays* @ 10:30 AM
*On the 1st Sunday of every month, all children K5-5th grade will be in the sanctuary with their families.
Christway Kids is far more than childcare! We are building, training, & equipping our kids for victorious life in Christ, as well as encouraging them to reflect Christ in every facet of life. We do this through object lessons, music, lesson-oriented games, videos, and more!
“I want to teach the kids truths I wish I had learned much earlier in my own life.”

Each one of us has been uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s work. If you are interested in serving in this area of ministry & being on our Dream Team, find out more here.